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Search Kanji for 潮前河豚際

in front; before

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Popularity rank: 27 Pinyin: qián Korean: jeon Hán-Việt: tiền
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-2-7


御前[omai] you (formerly honorific, now sometimes derog. term referring to an equal or inferior)
御前さん[omaesan] you
已前[izen] ago
以前に[izenni] ago
一人前[ichininmae] becoming adult
一人前になる[ichininmaeninaru] to come of age
一昔前[hitomukashimae] long ago
一歩前進[ippozenshin] (a) step forward
駅前[ekimae] in front of station
駅前通り[ekimaedoori] street in front of station
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 663 Pinyin: Korean: ha Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-5


河内[hanoi] Hanoi
運河[unga] canal
応急渡河[oukyuutoka] hasty crossing
黄河[kouga] Yellow river (in China)
河港[kakou] river port
河鹿[kajika] kajika frog (Buergeria buergeri)
河床[kashou] riverbed
河水[kasui] river water
河川[kasen] rivers
河童[kappa] kappa (mythical water-dwelling creatures)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
tide; salt water; opportunity

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Popularity rank: 1231 Pinyin: cháo Korean: jo Hán-Việt: triều
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-12


渦潮[uzushio] whirling tides
潮風呂[shioburo] (hot) saltwater bath
下げ潮[sageshio] ebb tide
血潮[chishio] blood spilt from the body
高潮[kouchou] high tide
黒潮[kuroshio] Japan Current
最高潮[saikouchou] climax
思潮[shichou] trend of thought
主潮[shuchou] main current
出潮[deshio] high tide
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
pork; pig

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Popularity rank: 1864 Pinyin: tún Korean: don Hán-Việt: đồn, độn
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-7


河豚[fugu] puffer fish
海豚[iruka] dolphin (or other small toothed whales, such as porpoises, belugas, etc.)
焼き豚[yakibuta] roast pork
酢豚[subuta] sweet-and-sour pork
鼠海豚[nezumiiruka] harbor porpoise (harbour)
土豚[tsuchibuta] aardvark (Orycteropus afer)
豚に真珠[butanishinju] (cast) pearls before swine
豚カツ[tonkatsu] pork cutlet
豚小屋[butagoya] pigsty
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
occasion; side; edge; verge; dangerous; adventurous; indecent; time; when

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Popularity rank: 183 Pinyin: Korean: je Hán-Việt: tế
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-2-11


一際[hitokiwa] conspicuously
学際的[gakusaiteki] interdisciplinary
真際[magiwa] on the verge of
金輪際[konrinzai] the deepest bottom of the earth
交際[kousai] company
交際家[kousaika] sociable person
交際嫌い[kousaigirai] unsociable
交際好き[kousaizuki] sociable
交際国[kousaikoku] friendly powers
交際社会[kousaishakai] society
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0