Definition of 潮
Sentences containing 潮
例えば、父の仕事しごと では、売り買いうりかい のタイミングは非常にひじょうに 大切たいせつ であり、彼かれ は同僚どうりょう にこまごまとこまごま したする ことを言わないで「潮時しおどき というものがある」と言ったり、書いたりすることが時々ときどき あった。
For instance, in my father's business the timing of sales and purchases was very important, and he would sometimes write or say to his colleagues "There is a tide," without going into detail.
Large-scale surface currents are already known to exist, and major currents below the ocean surface, too, are being found.
It might be discreet of you to bend a little to the prevailing wind.