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gargle; rinse mouth

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Popularity rank: 2054 Pinyin: shù Korean: su Hán-Việt: sấu, thấu
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 9 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-11


漱ぐ[yusugu] to rinse
枕流漱石[chinryuusouseki] sore loser stubbornly refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument
漱石枕流[sousekichinryuu] sore loser stubbornly refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument
盥漱[kansou] washing one's hands and rinsing one's mouth
石に漱ぎ流れに枕す[ishinikuchisusuginagarenimakurasu] refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument
漱ぐ[kuchisusugu] to gargle
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