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shoes; boots

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Pinyin: Korean: dab Hán-Việt: đạp
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 2-4-4


沓下[kutsushita] socks
沓直鳥[hototogisu] lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
わら沓[waragutsu] straw boots
雑沓[zattou] congestion
浅沓[asagutsu] shallow clogs (worn by nobles; originally made of leather, later made of black lacquered paulownia)
深沓[fukagutsu] deep boots
雪沓[yukigutsu] snow boots or shoes
沓脱[kutsunugi] place where one can remove one's shoes before entering a house
沓脱ぎ石[kutsunugiishi] stepping stone
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