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Search Kanji for 民衆扇動

move; motion; change; confusion; shift; shake

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Popularity rank: 73 Pinyin: dòng Korean: dong Hán-Việt: động
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-9-2


響動めき[doyomeki] commotion
ぴくぴく動く[pikupikuugoku] to jerk
アメーバ運動[ameebaundou] ameboid movement
インディペンデントリビング運動[indipendentoribinguundou] independent living movement
エコロジー運動[ekorojiiundou] ecological movement
エンジン発動機[enjinhatsudouki] engine
クローン動物[kuroondoubutsu] cloned animal
易動度[idoudo] mobility
異動[idou] change
移動[idou] removal
fan; folding fan

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Popularity rank: 1805 Pinyin: shàn, shān Korean: seon Hán-Việt: phiến, thiên
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-4-6


夏炉冬扇[karotousen] summer fires and winter fans
換気扇[kankisen] ventilation fan
軍扇[gunsen] ancient commander's fan
扇子[sensu] folding fan
扇情[senjou] sensational
扇動[sendou] incitement
扇風器[senpuuki] electric fan
団扇[uchiwa] fan
団扇虫[uchiwamushi] fan-fly
people; nation; subjects

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Popularity rank: 28 Pinyin: mín Korean: min Hán-Việt: dân
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-5-1


ドイツ民主共和国[doitsuminshukyouwakoku] German Democratic Republic (i.e. former East Germany)
移民[imin] emigration
漢民族[kanminzoku] Chinese people
窮民[kyuumin] poor people
区民[kumin] ward residents
愚民[gumin] ignorant people
軍民[gunmin] the military and civilians
県民[kenmin] citizens of a prefecture
県民会館[kenminkaikan] prefectural meeting hall
原住民[genjuumin] native people
masses; great numbers; multitude; populace

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Popularity rank: 450 Pinyin: zhòng Korean: jung Hán-Việt: chúng
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-6-6


亜米利加合衆国[amerikagasshuukoku] United States of America
伊達衆[dateshuu] dandy
一切衆生[issaishujou] all living creatures
烏合の衆[ugounoshuu] disorderly crowd
下衆張る[gesubaru] to be churlish
会衆[kaishuu] audience
観衆[kanshuu] spectators
勤労大衆[kinroutaishuu] working people
公衆[koushuu] the public
公衆ブース[koushuubuusu] public booth