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Search Kanji for 正帽

cap; headgear

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Popularity rank: 1742 Pinyin: mào Korean: mo Hán-Việt: mạo
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-9


宇宙帽[uchuubou] space helmet
烏帽子[eboshi] black-lacquered headgear (made of silk, cloth or paper) originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan, and afterwards spreading to the common people
夏帽子[natsuboushi] summer hat
角帽[kakubou] mortarboard
学帽[gakubou] school cap
軍帽[gunbou] military cap
三角帽[sankakubou] three-cornered hat
制服制帽[seifukuseibou] cap and uniform
制帽[seibou] regulation cap
正帽[seibou] cap of a uniform
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
correct; justice; righteous; 10**40

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Popularity rank: 143 Pinyin: zhèng, zhēng Korean: jeong Hán-Việt: chánh, chính, chinh
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-5-1


賀正[gashou] A Happy New Year!
改正[kaisei] revision
改正案[kaiseian] reform bill
規則正い[kisokutadashii] regular
旧正月[kyuushougatsu] lunisolar New Year
匡正[kyousei] reform
きょう正[kyousei] correction
憲法を改正する[kenpouwokaiseisuru] to revise the constitution
憲法改正[kenpoukaisei] constitutional reform
厳正[gensei] strictness
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0