Definition of 烏帽子
Words related to 烏帽子
- (n) adult name
- (n) goose barnacle
- (n) Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis)
- (n) red eboshi (headgear worn by Japanese men prior to and during the Edo period, which was ordinarily black in color) →Related words: 亭主の好きな赤烏帽子
- metaphor for an odd item or having a taste for such an item
- (n) turaco (any bird of family Musophagidae, esp. the Knysna turaco, Tauraco corythaix); touraco; loerie; lourie
- (n) black silk or paper triangle worn over the forehead (usu. worn by children)
- (n) man-of-war fish (Nomeus gronovii)
- (n) Inversidens brandti (species of freshwater mussel)