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Search Kanji for 欺惑

beguile; delusion; perplexity

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Popularity rank: 777 Pinyin: huò Korean: hog Hán-Việt: hoặc
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-8-4


傍迷惑[hatameiwaku] nuisance to other people
欺き惑わす[azamukimadowasu] to deceive and lead astray
疑惑[giwaku] doubt
幻惑[genwaku] fascination
戸惑い[tomadoi] being at sea
戸惑う[tomadou] to be bewildered
御迷惑[gomeiwaku] trouble
困惑[konwaku] bewilderment
思い惑う[omoimadou] to be at a loss
思惑[omowaku] expectation
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
deceit; cheat; delude

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Popularity rank: 1541 Pinyin: Korean: gi Hán-Việt: khi
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-8-4


欺き惑わす[azamukimadowasu] to deceive and lead astray
欺く[azamuku] to deceive
欺瞞[giman] deception
欺騙[kihen] deception
詐欺[sagi] fraud
詐欺師[sagishi] swindler
信用詐欺[shinyousagi] confidence game
寸借詐欺[sunshakusagi] petty swindling
取込詐欺[torikomisagi] confidence trick
自己欺瞞[jikogiman] self-deception
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0