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Popularity rank: 668 Pinyin: mó, mú Korean: mo Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-10


暗中模索[anchuumosaku] groping in the dark
花模様[hanamoyou] floral pattern
規模[kibo] scale
規模の経済[kibonokeizai] economies of scale
空模様[soramoyou] look of the sky
国際規模[kokusaikibo] international scale
市場規模[shijoukibo] market scale
小規模[shoukibo] small scale
小規模ビジネス[shoukibobijinesu] small business
人体模型[jintaimokei] anatomical model of the human body
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