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tender; weakness; gentleness; softness

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Popularity rank: 1187 Pinyin: róu Korean: yu Hán-Việt: nhu
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-5-4


懐柔[kaijuu] winning over
外柔内剛[gaijuunaigou] gentle but firm
柔弱[nyuujaku] weakness
柔術[juujutsu] jujitsu (classical Japanese martial art, usually referring to fighting without a weapon)
柔道[juudou] judo
柔道家[juudouka] judo practitioner
柔道場[juudoujou] judo hall
柔道着[juudougi] judo gi
柔軟[juunan] flexible
柔軟仕上げ剤[juunanshiagezai] fabric softener
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