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Search Kanji for 末筆乍

though; notwithstanding; while; during; both; all

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Pinyin: zhà Korean: sa Hán-Việt: sạ, tác
Stroke counts: 5 Skip code: 4-5-3


我乍ら[warenagara] even if I say so myself
及ばず乍ら[oyobazunagara] to the best of my ability, poor though it be
乍ら[nagara] while
二つ乍ら[futatsunagara] both
然し乍ら[shikashinagara] however
末筆乍ら[mappitsunagara] letter-closing phrase expressing regret for a delay
余所乍ら[yosonagara] while at a distance
否否乍ら[iyaiyanagara] reluctantly
居乍ら[inagara] from where one sits
憚り乍ら[habakarinagara] with all due respect ...
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
end; close; tip; powder; posterity

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Popularity rank: 456 Pinyin: Korean: mal Hán-Việt: mạt
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-5-3


亜鉛末[aenmatsu] zinc dust
学期末[gakkimatsu] end of term
巻末[kanmatsu] end of a book
期末[kimatsu] end of term
期末試験[kimatsushiken] final exam
旧年末[kyuunenmatsu] end of last year
結末[ketsumatsu] end
月末[getsumatsu] end of the month
跡始末[atoshimatsu] settlement (of affairs)
語末[gomatsu] end of a word
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
writing brush; writing; painting brush; handwriting

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Popularity rank: 1132 Pinyin: Korean: pil Hán-Việt: bút
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-6-6


悪筆[akuhitsu] poor handwriting
一筆書き[hitofudegaki] one-stroke sketch
運筆[unpitsu] brush strokes
鉛筆[enpitsu] pencil
鉛筆削り[enpitsukezuri] pencil sharpener
加筆[kahitsu] correction
画筆[gahitsu] artist's brush
偽筆[gihitsu] forged handwriting
曲筆[kyokuhitsu] misrepresentation
健筆[kenpitsu] powerful pen
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0