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Search Kanji for 最後審判

judgement; signature; stamp; seal

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Popularity rank: 197 Pinyin: pàn Korean: pan Hán-Việt: phán
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-5-2


印判師[inbanshi] seal engraver
加判[kahan] affixing a seal
加判人[kahannin] signatory
家庭裁判所[kateisaibansho] family court
割り判[wariban] seal over the edges of adjacent sheets
割判[warihan] tally impression
区裁判所[kusaibansho] local court
軍事裁判[gunjisaiban] court-martial
軍事裁判所[gunjisaibansho] military court
刑事裁判[keijisaiban] criminal trial
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
hearing; judge; trial

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Popularity rank: 412 Pinyin: shěn Korean: sim Hán-Việt: thẩm
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-3-12


一審[isshin] first instance
下級審[kakyuushin] lower court
勘審[kanshin] careful investigation
球審[kyuushin] baseball chief umpire
結審[kesshin] conclusion of trial (hearing)
原審[genshin] original sentence
誤審[goshin] misjudgment
口頭審理[koutoushinri] oral proceedings
控訴審[kousoshin] appeal trial
再審[saishin] review
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
behind; back; later

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Popularity rank: 26 Pinyin: hòu Korean: hu Hán-Việt: hậu, hấu
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-3-6


其の後[sonoato] after that
已後[igo] after this
一死後[isshigo] after one out (in Baseball)
気後れ[kiokure] nervous
紀元後[kigengo] post-era
空前絶後[kuuzenzetsugo] (so marvelous or horrible that it may be) the first and probably the last
兄後[anigo] elder brother
月後れ[tsukiokure] a month or older
午後[gogo] afternoon
午後中[gogojuu] throughout the afternoon
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
utmost; most; extreme

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Popularity rank: 82 Pinyin: zuì Korean: choe Hán-Việt: tối
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-4-8


最も[mottomo] most
最愛[saiai] beloved
最悪[saiaku] the worst
最下位のビット[saikainobitto] least significant bit
最外[saigai] outer-most
最寄[moyori] nearest
最期[saigo] one's last moment
最強[saikyou] strongest
最近[saikin] most recent
最恵国待遇[saikeikokutaiguu] most favored nation
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0