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beheading; kill; murder

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Popularity rank: 2132 Pinyin: zhǎn Korean: cham Hán-Việt: trảm
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 1-7-4


斬る[kiru] to kill (a human) using a blade (sword, machete, knife, etc.)
斬新[zanshin] novel
人斬り[hitokiri] assassination
斬刻む[kirikizamu] to hew
斬り込む[kirikomu] to cut into
斬り殺す[kirikorosu] to slay
斬り散らす[kirichirasu] to cut down all
斬り死に[kirijini] fighting to the death (with swords)
斬り倒す[kiritaosu] to cut down
斬り破る[kiriyaburu] to cut to pieces
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