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composing; editing; compiling; selecting

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Pinyin: zhuàn Korean: chan, cheon Hán-Việt: soạn, tuyển, chuyển
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-3-12


修撰[shuusen] editing
撰集[senjuu] selection (e.g. of poems, texts)
勅撰[chokusen] compilation for the emperor
杜撰[zusan] careless
撰ぶ[erabu] to choose
新撰[shinsen] newly compiled, selected or edited
百撰[hyakusen] top hundred
特撰[tokusen] specially selection
勅撰集[chokusenshuu] imperial-commissioned poem anthology
撰者[senja] author
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