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Search Kanji for 揺籠墓場籃

location; place

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Popularity rank: 52 Pinyin: cháng, chǎng Korean: jang Hán-Việt: tràng, trường
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-3-9


いかなる場合でも[ikanarubaaidemo] in any case
このような場合に[konoyounabaaini] in this kind of situation
この場合[konobaai] in this case
そうでない場合は[soudenaibaaiha] if this is not the case
その場合には[sonobaainiha] in that case
どの場合にも[donobaainimo] in any case
ゴミ集積場[gomishuusekijou] village garbage collection point
ゴルフ場[gorufujou] golf links
スキー場[sukiijou] ski area
タクシー乗り場[takushiinoriba] taxi rank
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
grave; tomb

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Popularity rank: 1337 Pinyin: Korean: myo Hán-Việt: mộ
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-3-10


共同墓地[kyoudoubochi] public cemetery
墳墓[funbo] grave
墓穴[boketsu] grave, specifically the hole in the ground
墓穴を掘る[boketsuwohoru] to bring calamity upon oneself
墓誌[boshi] epitaph
墓碑[bohi] gravestone
墓碑銘[bohimei] epitaph
墓表[bohyou] grave-marker
墓参[bosan] visit to a grave
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
swing; shake; sway; rock; tremble; vibrate

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Popularity rank: 1079 Pinyin: yáo Korean: yo Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-9


揺ら揺ら[yurayura] slow swaying
動揺[douyou] shaking
貧乏揺すり[binbouyusuri] shaking or tapping (usu. one's foot) unconsciously
貧乏揺るぎ[binbouyurugi] nervous mannerism
揺さぶる[yusaburu] to shake
揺す振る[yusuburu] to shake
揺すり起こす[yusuriokosu] to shake someone awake
揺らぐ[yuragu] to swing
揺らす[yurasu] to rock
揺り起こす[yuriokosu] to shake someone awake
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Pinyin: lán Korean: ram Hán-Việt: lam
Stroke counts: 21 Skip code: 2-6-15


揺籃期[youranki] infancy
揺籃[youran] cradle
揺籃の地[yourannochi] birthplace
揺り籃から墓場まで[yurikagokarahakabamade] from the cradle to the grave
揺籃期本[yourankibon] incunabulum
茶籃[chakago] basket for tea ceremony instruments
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
basket; devote oneself; seclude oneself; cage; coop; implied

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Pinyin: lóng, lǒng Korean: rong Hán-Việt: lung, lộng
Stroke counts: 22 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 2-6-16


印籠[inrou] seal case
引籠る[hikikomoru] to stay indoors
屑籠[kuzukago] waste basket
言籠める[iikomeru] to talk down
口籠る[kuchigomoru] to hesitate to say
籠める[komeru] to load (a gun, etc.)
参籠[sanrou] retirement (to a temple of shrine) for prayer
手籠[tegome] rape
石燈籠[ishidourou] stone lantern
切籠[kiriko] facet
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0