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set aside; give up; suspend; discontinue; lay aside; except

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Popularity rank: 818 Pinyin: cuò Korean: jo, chaeg Hán-Việt: thố, trách
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-8


挙措[kyoso] behavior
措辞[soji] wording
措置[sochi] measure
報復措置[houfukusochi] reprisals
予算措置[yosansochi] budgetary provision
措定[sotei] assumption
措いて[oite] except
措く[oku] to give up
窮措大[kyuusodai] poor student (scholar)
賞賛して措かない[shousanshiteokanai] applaud highly
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