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5th calendar sign

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Pinyin: Korean: mu Hán-Việt: mậu
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 4-5-4


戊辰[boshin] fifth of the sexagenary cycle
戊戌[bojutsu] 35th of the sexagenary cycle
戊夜[boya] fifth division of the night (approx. 3 am to 5 am)
戊辰戦争[boshinsensou] Boshin War (Japanese civil war between Imperial and shogunate forces, 1868-1869)
戊申詔書[boshinshousho] Imperial Rescript of 1908
戊寅[tsuchinoetora] 15th of the sexagenary cycle
戊子[tsuchinoene] twenty-fifth of the sexagenary cycle
戊申[tsuchinoesaru] 45th of the sexagenary cycle
戊午[tsuchinoeuma] 55th of the sexagenary cycle
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