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Search Kanji for 循環系

sequential; fellow

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Popularity rank: 1699 Pinyin: xún Korean: sun Hán-Việt: tuần
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-9


悪循環[akujunkan] vicious circle
因循[injun] indecision
因循姑息[injunkosoku] dilly-dallying and temporizing (temporising)
血液循環[ketsuekijunkan] blood circulation
再循環[saijunkan] recycle
循環[junkan] circulation
循良[junryou] good and obedient
循環小数[junkanshousuu] recurring decimal
循環系[junkankei] circulatory system (blood, lymph, etc.)
循環器[junkanki] circulatory organ
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
ring; circle; link; wheel

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Popularity rank: 409 Pinyin: huán Korean: hwan Hán-Việt: hoàn
Stroke counts: 17 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-13


悪循環[akujunkan] vicious circle
一環[ikkan] link (e.g. a part of a larger plan)
印環[inkan] signet ring (in medical contexts, e.g. signet ring cell)
円環[enkan] circle
花環[hanawa] wreath
環境[kankyou] environment
環境グループ[kankyouguruupu] environmental group
環境事業[kankyoujigyou] environmental business
環境庁[kankyouchou] Environment Agency
環境庁長官[kankyouchouchoukan] Director General of Environment Agency
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
lineage; system

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Popularity rank: 567 Pinyin: xì, jì Korean: gye Hán-Việt: hệ
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-7-4


一系[ikkei] single-family lineage
家系[kakei] family lineage
革新系[kakushinkei] liberal
共産系[kyousankei] communist controlled
銀行系カード[ginkoukeikaado] bank issued credit card
系図[keizu] family tree
系図学[keizugaku] genealogy (the study)
系統[keitou] system
系統樹[keitouju] genealogical tree
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0