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ego; I; selfish; our; oneself

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Popularity rank: 829 Pinyin: Korean: a Hán-Việt: ngã
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-7-4


我利勉[gariben] drudge
我れ[a] I
我が君[wagakimi] my lord
我身[wagami] myself
我党[wagatou] my party
我乍ら[warenagara] even if I say so myself
我も我も[waremowaremo] vying with one another
我を出す[gawodasu] to insist on one's own ideas
我を折る[gawooru] to concede a point
我を張る[gawoharu] to insist on one's own ideas
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hope; beg; request; pray; beseech; Greece; dilute (acid); rare; few; phenomenal

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Popularity rank: 896 Pinyin: Korean: heui Hán-Việt: hi
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-7-4


希臘[girisha] Greece
メーカー希望価格[meekaakiboukakaku] manufacturer's recommended price
希わくは[negawakuha] I pray
希求[kikyuu] aspiring to
希元素[kigenso] rare element
希釈[kishaku] dilution
希釈液[kishakueki] diluted solution
希少価値[kishoukachi] scarcity value
希土類[kidorui] rare earth
希望[kibou] hope
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lineage; system

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Popularity rank: 567 Pinyin: xì, jì Korean: gye Hán-Việt: hệ
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-7-4


一系[ikkei] single-family lineage
家系[kakei] family lineage
革新系[kakushinkei] liberal
共産系[kyousankei] communist controlled
銀行系カード[ginkoukeikaado] bank issued credit card
系図[keizu] family tree
系図学[keizugaku] genealogy (the study)
系統[keitou] system
系統樹[keitouju] genealogical tree
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consider; think over

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Popularity rank: 196 Pinyin: kǎo Korean: go Hán-Việt: khảo
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-7-4


と考えられる[tokangaerareru] one can think that ...
一考[ikkou] consideration
勘考[kankou] consider
考え[kangae] thinking
考えてみれば[kangaetemireba] if you think about it
考える[kangaeru] to consider
考え込む[kangaekomu] to ponder
考え事[kangaegoto] (deep) thinking
考え出す[kangaedasu] to think out
考え直して[kangaenaoshite] On second thoughts ...
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
寿 longevity; congratulations; one's natural life

Search dictionary for: 寿

Popularity rank: 1245 Pinyin: shòu Korean: su Hán-Việt: thọ
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-7-4


にぎり寿司[nigirizushi] nigirizushi
稲荷寿司[inarizushi] sushi wrapped in fried tofu
永寿[eiju] long life
喜寿[kiju] 77th birthday
恵比寿[ebisu] Ebisu (god of fishing and commerce)
五目寿司[gomokuzushi] sushi with several ingredients mixed in or sprinkled on top
江戸前寿司[edomaezushi] Edo-style sushi (usu. nigirizushi)
傘寿[sanju] 80th birthday
ちらし寿司[chirashizushi] sushi rice in a box or bowl with a variety of ingredients sprinkled on top
手巻寿司[temakizushi] hand-rolled sushi, usually cone-shaped
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
somebody; person; one's station in life

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Popularity rank: 320 Pinyin: shēn, juān Korean: sin Hán-Việt: thân, quyên
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-7-4


一つ身[hitotsumi] baby clothes
一身[ichimi] partisans
一身[isshin] oneself
一身上[isshinjou] personal (affairs)
黄身[kimi] egg yolk
化身[keshin] incarnation
我身[wagami] myself
献身[kenshin] dedication
肩身[katami] shoulders
肩身が狭い[katamigasemai] feeling ashamed
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rabbit; hare

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Pinyin: Korean: to Hán-Việt: thố
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 4-7-4


兎や角言う[toyakakuiu] to say all kinds of things
家兎[kato] domestic rabbit
脱兎のごとく[dattonogotoku] (at) high speed
兎にも角にも[tonimokakunimo] anyhow
兎に角[tonikaku] anyhow
兎の毛[unoke] just a hair
兎も角[tomokaku] anyhow
兎も角も[tomokakumo] anyhow
兎も有れ[tomoare] anyhow
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insert between

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Pinyin: jiā, jiá Korean: hyeob Hán-Việt: giáp
Stroke counts: 7 Skip code: 4-7-4


夾雑物[kyouzatsubutsu] foreign element
夾竹桃[kyouchikutou] oleander
夾侍[kyouji] flanking attendant to the main deity of veneration in a temple
夾角[kyoukaku] contained angle
夾鐘[kyoushou] (in China) 4th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. F)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
trail; tow; drag; pull
Pinyin: zhuài Korean: ye Hán-Việt: duệ
Stroke counts: 7 Skip code: 4-7-4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0