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Search Kanji for 帰納法

homecoming; arrive at; lead to; result in

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Popularity rank: 504 Pinyin: guī Korean: gwi, gwe Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-1-9


御帰りなさい[okaerinasai] welcome home
烏有に帰する[uyuunikisuru] to be reduced to ashes
回帰[kaiki] return (to)
回帰線[kaikisen] the tropics (Cancer and Capricorn)
回帰的[kaikiteki] recursive
帰す[kaesu] to send (someone) back
帰り[kaeri] return
帰り路[kaerimichi] the way back or home
帰る[kaeru] to return
帰依[kie] devotion
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
method; law; rule; principle; model; system

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Popularity rank: 100 Pinyin: fǎ, fà Korean: beob Hán-Việt: pháp
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-5


くつくつ法師[kutsukutsuboushi] Meimuna opalifera (species of cicada)
つくつく法師[tsukutsukuboushi] Meimuna opalifera (species of cicada)
エライザ法[eraizahou] enzyme-linked immunoSorbent assay (virus detection method)
ケーソン工法[keesonkouhou] caisson method
シールド工法[shiirudokouhou] shield method
モンテカルロ法[montekarurohou] Monte Carlo method
悪法[akuhou] bad law
暗号化手法[angoukashuhou] cryptography
暗号手法[angoushuhou] cryptography
違法[ihou] illegal
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
settlement; obtain; reap; pay; supply; store

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Popularity rank: 987 Pinyin: Korean: nab Hán-Việt: nạp
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-6-4


延納[ennou] deferred payment
仮納[kanou] deposit
仮納金[kanoukin] deposit
仮納税[karinouzei] tax payment under protest
格納[kakunou] storage
格納庫[kakunouko] (aircraft) hangar
帰納[kinou] induction
帰納法[kinouhou] induction
結納[yuinou] engagement gift
献納[kennou] offering
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0