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Search Kanji for 太公望

public; prince; official; governmental

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Popularity rank: 118 Pinyin: gōng Korean: gong Hán-Việt: công
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-2-2


ハチ公[hachikou] statue of Hachiko (a dog) at Shibuya station
郭公[kakkou] common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)
株式公開[kabushikikoukai] stock offering (to the public)
蒲公英[tanpopo] dandelion (esp. species Taraxacum platycarpum)
官公庁[kankouchou] government administration office
丸公[marukou] official price
勤め奉公[tsutomeboukou] apprenticeship
公平[kinpira] chopped burdock root (and sometimes carrot) cooked in sugar and soy sauce
公孫樹[kousonju] ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
plump; thick; big around

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Popularity rank: 552 Pinyin: tài Korean: tae Hán-Việt: thái
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-4-4


太太しい[futebuteshii] impudent
アジア太平洋地域[ajiataiheiyouchiiki] Asia-Pacific region
伊太利[itarii] Italy
豪太剌利[oosutoraria] Australia
墺太利[oosutoria] Austria
プー太郎[puutarou] vagabond
猶太[yudaya] Judea (southern Palestine)
悪太郎[akutarou] bad boy
一姫二太郎[ichihimenitarou] It's good to have a girl first and then a boy
羽太[hata] sea basses
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
ambition; full moon; hope; desire; aspire to; expect

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Popularity rank: 470 Pinyin: wàng Korean: mang Hán-Việt: vọng
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-7-4


ハッブル望遠鏡[habburubouenkyou] Hubble telescope
メーカー希望価格[meekaakiboukakaku] manufacturer's recommended price
一望千里[ichibousenri] sweeping view of the eye
遠望[enbou] vista
渇望[katsubou] craving
渇望者[katsubousha] desiring person
冀望[kibou] hope
希望価格[kiboukakaku] asking price
希望者[kibousha] applicant
仰ぎ望み[aoginozomi] look to (for help)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0