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degenerate; descend to; lapse into

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Popularity rank: 2087 Pinyin: duò, huī Korean: ta, hyu Hán-Việt: đọa, huy
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-8-3


金剛薩堕[kongousatta] Vajrasattva
自堕落[jidaraku] depravity
人間の堕落[ningennodaraku] the fall of man
堕する[dasuru] to degenerate
堕胎[datai] abortion
堕胎医[dataii] abortionist
堕落[daraku] depravity
堕落坊主[darakubouzu] apostate priest
堕力[daryoku] inertia
堕ちる[ochiru] to fall down
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