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sign of the hare or rabbit; 5-7AM; fourth sign of Chinese zodiac; east

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Popularity rank: 2400 Pinyin: mǎo Korean: myo Hán-Việt: mão, mẹo
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 9 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-2


卯の花[unohana] bean-curd lees
卯年[usagidoshi] year of the hare
卯月[uzuki] fourth month of the lunar calendar
卯建[udatsu] short pillar set on a beam to support a ridgepole
卯木[utsugi] deutzia
卯建が上がらない[udatsugaagaranai] no hope of getting ahead
卯月鳥[uzukidori] lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
卯建のあがらない[udatsunoagaranai] lacking potential for advancement
丁卯[hinotou] fourth of the sexagenary cycle
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