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helmet; head piece

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Popularity rank: 2034 Pinyin: dōu Korean: du Hán-Việt: đâu
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 2-9-2


鉄兜[tetsukabuto] steel helmet
兜虫[kabutomushi] rhinoceros beetle (esp. the Japanese rhinoceros beetle, Trypoxylus dichotomus)
内兜[uchikabuto] inside of a helmet
兜蟹[kabutogani] horseshoe crab
鳥兜[torikabuto] aconite (esp. species Aconitum japonicum)
兜頭巾[kabutozukin] helmet-shaped hood
兜率天[tosotsuten] Tusita heaven
勝って兜の緒を締めよ[kattekabutonoowoshimeyo] don't let your guard down even after a victory
角兜[tsunokabuto] spiked helmet
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