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Search Kanji for 免疫担当細胞

excuse; dismissal

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Popularity rank: 1080 Pinyin: miǎn, wèn Korean: myeon, mun Hán-Việt: miễn, vấn
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-6-2


依願免官[iganmenkan] retirement at one's own request
運転免許[untenmenkyo] driver's license
仮免許[karimenkyo] temporary license
仮免状[karimenjou] temporary certificate
減免[genmen] reduction and exemption (e.g. taxes)
ご免[gomen] your pardon
ご免なさい[gomennasai] I beg your pardon
御免ください[gomenkudasai] may I come in?
赦免[shamen] remission
全免[zenmen] complete exemption
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hit; right; appropriate; himself

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Popularity rank: 91 Pinyin: dāng, dàng Korean: dang Hán-Việt: đương, đang, đáng
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-3


に当たって[niatatte] at the time of (ind. opportunity or situation where something should be done)
一騎当千[ikkitousen] being a match for a thousand
一指当たり[ichiyubiatari] span
一人当たり[hitoriatari] per person
一人当て[hitoriate] per person
引当[hikiate] mortgage
引当金[hikiatekin] reserves
押し当てる[oshiateru] to push (something) against
穏当[ontou] proper
過当[katou] excessive
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
shouldering; carry; raise; bear

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Popularity rank: 422 Pinyin: dàn, dān, dǎn Korean: dan Hán-Việt: đam, đảm
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-5


験を担ぐ[genwokatsugu] to be superstitious
加担者[katansha] accomplice
責任分担[sekininbuntan] sharing of responsibilities
担ぎ上げる[katsugiageru] to carry up
担ぐ[katsugu] to shoulder
担架[tanka] stretcher
担当[tantou] (in) charge (of an area of responsibility, but not necessarily supervision of staff)
担当課長[tantoukachou] section manager
担当者[tantousha] person in charge (of an area of work, but not necessarily supervising other staff)
担当部長[tantoubuchou] senior Manager
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 1661 Pinyin: Korean: yeog Hán-Việt: dịch
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-5-4


悪疫[akueki] epidemic
疫学[ekigaku] epidemiology
疫病神[yakubyougami] jinx (lit: god of pestilence)
疫痢[ekiri] children's dysentery
疫癘[ekirei] epidemic
検疫[keneki] quarantine
鼠疫[soeki] plague
能動免疫[noudoumeneki] active immunity
防疫[boueki] communicable disease control (e.g. by quarantine, disinfection, etc.)
免疫[meneki] immunity
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
dainty; get thin; taper; slender; narrow

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Popularity rank: 537 Pinyin: Korean: se Hán-Việt: tế
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-5


亜細亜[ajia] Asia (esp. "the Far East")
委細[isai] details
委細面談[isaimendan] details when I see you
共産党細胞[kyousantousaibou] communist cell
些細[sasai] trivial
細細[komagoma] minutely
細細[hosoboso] poor (living)
細い[hosoi] thin
細か[komaka] small
細かい[komakai] small
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
placenta; sac; sheath

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Popularity rank: 1379 Pinyin: bāo Korean: po Hán-Việt: bào
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-5


芽胞[gahou] spore
気胞[kihou] bladder
共産党細胞[kyousantousaibou] communist cell
細胞[saibou] cell (biology)
細胞核[saiboukaku] nucleus (cell, biology)
細胞学[saibougaku] cytology
細胞質[saiboushitsu] cytoplasm
細胞膜[saiboumaku] cellular membrane
小液胞[shouekihou] vesicle
單細胞[tansaibou] single cell
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