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Search Kanji for 一撮摘

one; one radical (no.1)

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Popularity rank: 2 Pinyin: Korean: il Hán-Việt: nhất
Stroke counts: 1 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-1-4


ちょっと一杯[chottoippai] let's have a quick drink
ばつ一[batsuichi] being once divorced
一向[hitaburu] nothing but
サラダ一皿[saradahitosara] plate of salad
安全第一[anzendaiichi] safety first
一か八か[ichikabachika] sink or swim
一っ走り[hitoppashiri] spin (as in 'take a car for a spin')
一つ一つ[hitotsuhitotsu] one-by-one
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
pinch; pick; pluck; trim; clip; summarize

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Popularity rank: 564 Pinyin: zhāi, zhé Korean: jeog Hán-Việt: trích
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-11


一摘み[hitotsumami] pinch (of something)
桑摘み[kuwatsumi] picking mulberry leaves
指摘[shiteki] pointing out
性腺摘除[seisentekijo] castration
茶摘み[chatsumi] tea harvesting (picking)
摘出子[tekishutsushi] legitimate child
摘まみ[tsumami] knob
摘まみ出す[tsumamidasu] to pick out
摘まみ物[tsumamimono] snack (to have with a drink)
摘む[tsumu] to pluck
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
snapshot; take pictures

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Popularity rank: 1023 Pinyin: cuō, zuǒ, cuò Korean: chwal Hán-Việt: toát
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-12


一撮[hitotsumami] pinch (of something)
隠し撮り[kakushidori] taking pictures secretly
空撮[kuusatsu] shooting from a high level
戸外撮影[kogaisatsuei] taking pictures outdoors
撮り直し[torinaoshi] a retaken photograph
撮りなおす[torinaosu] to retake (a photograph)
撮る[toru] to take (a photo)
撮影[satsuei] photographing
撮影者[satsueisha] photographer
撮影所[satsueijo] film studio
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0