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Search Kanji for 一応往

one; one radical (no.1)

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Popularity rank: 2 Pinyin: Korean: il Hán-Việt: nhất
Stroke counts: 1 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-1-4


ちょっと一杯[chottoippai] let's have a quick drink
ばつ一[batsuichi] being once divorced
一向[hitaburu] nothing but
サラダ一皿[saradahitosara] plate of salad
安全第一[anzendaiichi] safety first
一か八か[ichikabachika] sink or swim
一っ走り[hitoppashiri] spin (as in 'take a car for a spin')
一つ一つ[hitotsuhitotsu] one-by-one
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
journey; travel; chase away; let go; going; before; formerly

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Popularity rank: 1421 Pinyin: wǎng, wàng Korean: wang Hán-Việt: vãng
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-5


已往[iou] hereafter
一往[ichiou] once
右往左往[uousaou] move about in confusion
往き返り[yukikaeri] round trip
往なす[inasu] to parry
往還[oukan] traffic
往航[oukou] outward voyage
往事[ouji] the past
往時[ouji] ancient times
往信[oushin] first half of a reply card
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
apply; answer; yes; OK; reply; accept

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Popularity rank: 266 Pinyin: yīng, yìng Korean: eung Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-4


に応じて[nioujite] depending on
ステップ応答[suteppuoutou] step response
一応[ichiou] once
陰性反応[inseihannou] negative reaction (in patient)
応える[kotaeru] to respond
応じて[oujite] in proportion to
応じる[oujiru] to respond
応援[ouen] aid
応援歌[ouenka] rooters' song
応援団[ouendan] cheering party
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0