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It seems that your search contains the following:

日光 nikkō mi 結構 kekkō gen

  1. Words

Definition of 日光見結構言

けっこう(kekkou) 結構

結構 Kanji

  1. (adj-na, n-adv, n) splendid; nice; wonderful; delicious; sweet
  2. (adj-na) sufficient; fine (in the sense of "I'm fine"); (by implication) no thank you
  3. well enough; OK; tolerable
  4. (adv) reasonably; fairly; tolerably
  5. (n) construction; architecture
  1. (v1, vt) to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe

    Let's begin with the fifth line on page 10.

  2. to look over; to look on; to assess; to examine; to judge →Related words: 診る
  3. to look after; to keep an eye on; to take care of →Related words: 看る

    I can't look after my parents and such either.

  4. to view (e.g. flowers, movie)

    Would you like to take in a movie?

  5. to try; to try out

    May I put it on again?

  6. to see that...; to find that...
にっこう(nikkou) 日光

日光 Kanji

  1. (n) sunlight

    This room gets little sunshine.

げん(gen) · こと(koto)

言 Kanji

  1. (n) word; remark; statement

    It is not wise to go by his word.