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Definition of 情仇


情 Kanji

  1. (n) feelings; emotion; sentiment

    One good turn deserves another.

  2. compassion; sympathy
  3. passion; affection; love
  4. the way things really are; the actual situation
あだ(ada) · あた(ata) · あたん(atan) · · ·

仇寇讐賊 Kanji

  1. (n) foe; enemy; rival

    Burglars broke into his house.

  2. resentment; enmity; grudge
  3. harm; injury
かたき(kataki) ·

敵仇 Kanji

  1. (n-suf, n) rival; opponent; adversary; competitor; enemy (esp. one with which there is longstanding enmity); foe →Related words: ,
  2. (n) revenge
  3. spouse