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  1. Words

Definition of 大山鳴動鼠一匹泰

いち(ichi) · ひと(hito) · イー(ii) ·

一1 Kanji

  1. (num, pref) one
  2. (suf) best in; the most (...) in (where an adjective follows)

    I thought the highest mountain in Tsuyama was Takiyama.

ひとつ(hitotsu) 一つ ·1つ ·

一1 Kanji

  1. (num) one

    No sooner has one typhoon passed than the next one approaches.

  2. (n) for one thing

    For one thing, I am poor; for another, I am busy.

  3. only
  4. (not) even
  5. (n-adv) just (e.g. "just try it")
ねずみ(nezumi) · ネズミ(nezumi) · ねず(nezu)

鼠 Kanji

  1. (n) mouse; rat

    When the cat is away, the mice will play.

  2. dark gray; dark grey; slate (color, colour) →Related words: 鼠色
めいどう(meidou) 鳴動

鳴動 Kanji

  1. (n, vs) rumbling; (ringing) cadence
ひき(hiki) · (ki) ·

匹疋 Kanji

  1. (ctr) counter for small animals

    We own a dog and a cat.

  2. counter for rolls of cloth (two han in size)
  3. counter for horses
  4. (n) roll of cloth
たいざん(taizan) 大山

大山 Kanji

  1. (n) great mountain
たい(tai) · タイ(tai)

泰 Kanji

  1. (n) Thailand

    Do you have any other guidebooks about Thailand?