Words related to 備
- (n) sprinkler system
- (n) curtailment of business operations
- (n) card-key system
- (n) sweet dumpling made with mochi flour and (sometimes) millet flour (famous product of Okayama)
Give me one kibidango. - millet dumplings
- (n) armaments; military preparations
We must consider the question of whether we can afford such huge sums for armaments.
- (n) expansion of armaments
- (n) arms control
- (n) reduction of armaments; disarmament
You should advocate disarmament.

Sentences containing 備
According to informed sources, ____ Ltd. is preparing for the move up to the first section of the Tokyo Stock exchange.
After all, even salesmen are desperate to avoid being targeted for downsizing.
We drop of our luggage in a small prefab hut and promptly start preparations.
On the way we dropped in at the shops and bought foodstuffs. They say well prepared means no worries.
It's a guest room equipped with soundproofing with an emphasis on privacy.
I also wanted to enjoy the break, but thanks to preparation and supplementary lessons for a certain six-man team, I got none!
Proceeding from warm-up exercises to leg kick practice without a hitch, the lesson went completely smoothly.