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亭主 teishu aka 烏帽子 eboshi

  1. Words

Definition of 亭主好赤烏帽子

  1. (n) black-lacquered headgear (made of silk, cloth or paper) originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan, and afterwards spreading to the common people
ていしゅ(teishu) 亭主

亭主 Kanji

  1. (n) household head; master; host (e.g. of a tea gathering); innkeeper; owner (e.g. of an hotel)

    She wears the trousers in that house.

  2. husband
よしみ(yoshimi) · (gi) · よしび(yoshibi) ·誼み · ·好み

誼好 Kanji

  1. (n) friendship; friendly relations; connection; relation; intimacy

    I will help you for the sake of our old friendship.

あか(aka) · ·

赤紅朱 Kanji

  1. (n) red; crimson; scarlet
  2. red-containing colour (e.g. brown, pink, orange)

    It's only the anti-war pinkos who say things like Saddam isn't a threat.

  3. Red (i.e. communist)
  4. red light →Related words: 赤信号
  5. red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading); (in) the red →Related words: 赤字 , 赤字
  6. (adj-no, n-pref) complete; total; perfect; obvious →Related words: 赤の他人

好 Kanji

  1. (pref) good