Words related to ピグミー
- (n) pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea)
- (n) spotted pygmy goby (Eviota guttata); green pygmy-goby
- (n) bullseye pygmy goby (Trimma tauroculum, found in Palau)
- (n) exquisite pygmy goby (Trimma preclarum)
- (n) giant pygmy goby (Trimma gigantum, fish found in Palau)
- (n) harlot pygmy goby (Trimma fucatum, fish species from Thailand)
- (n) Randall's pygmy goby (Trimma randalli, species in Palau and the Philippines)
- (n) stripehead goby (Trimma striatum, was Trimma striata); stripehead dwarf goby (an Indo-West Pacific fish species)