Words related to シュモクザメ
- (n) Sphyrnidae (family containing the nine known species of hammerhead sharks)
- (n) winghead shark (Eusphyra blochii, species of Indo-West Pacific hammerhead shark) →Related words: ウィングヘッドシャーク
- (n) smalleye hammerhead (Sphyrna tudes, species of hammerhead shark common in the western Atlantic)
- (n) scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini); bronze hammerhead shark →Related words: スカラップハンマーヘッド
- (n) smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena, species of hammerhead shark) →Related words: スムーズハンマーヘッド
- (n) great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran, the largest species of hammerhead shark) →Related words: グレートハンマーヘッド
- (n) Eusphyra (genus of hammerhead shark in the family Sphyrnidae whose sole member is the winghead shark)