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It seems that your search contains the following:

ふく fuku be

  1. Words

Definition of ふくべ

ふぐ(fugu) · ふく(fuku) · ふくべ(fukube) · かとん(katon) · フグ(fugu) 河豚 ·

河豚鰒 Kanji

  1. (n) puffer fish; blow fish; fugu; globefish; swellfish

    Blowfish is a delicacy in Japan.

ふくべ(fukube) · ひょう(hyou) · ·

瓠瓢匏 Kanji

  1. (n) Lagenaria siceraria var. gourda (variety of bottle gourd); gourd (container) made from its fruit →Related words: 瓢箪
  2. Lagenaria siceraria var. depressa (variety of bottle gourd) →Related words: 夕顔