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It seems that your search contains the following:

ひさ hisa n

  1. Words

Definition of ひさん

ひさん(hisan) 悲惨

悲惨 Kanji

  1. (adj-na) disastrous; tragic; miserable; wretched; pitiful

    Misery and sorrow accompany war.

ひさん(hisan) 飛散

飛散 Kanji

  1. (n, vs) scattering (e.g. dust in the wind, enemies before an assault); dispersal; flying off (in all directions); flying apart
ヒさん(hisan) · ひさん(hisan) ヒ酸 ·砒酸

酸砒 Kanji

  1. (n) arsenic acid

Words related to ひさん