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It seems that your search contains the following:

はつ hatsu ji ょう

  1. Words

Definition of はつじょう

ばね(bane) · ぜんまい(zenmai) · はつじょう(hatsujou) · だんき(danki) · バネ(bane) 発条 ·撥条 ·弾機

発条撥弾機 Kanji

  1. (n) spring (e.g. coil, leaf); mainspring; power spring

    That one spring carries the whole weight of the car.

はつじょう(hatsujou) 発情

発情 Kanji

  1. (n, vs) sexual excitement; capable of breeding; having the urge to breed
はつじょう(hatsujou) 発場

発場 Kanji

  1. (n) arrival; place of arrival

Words related to はつじょう