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It seems that your search contains the following:

shi ょうちゅう

  1. Words

Definition of しょうちゅう

  1. (n) in the hand; (something) easily manipulated
  1. (n) shochu (Japanese liquor similar to vodka)
  1. (n) copious notes
しょうなか(shounaka) · しょうちゅう(shouchuu) 正中

正中 Kanji

  1. (n) center of a noh stage
  2. (n, adj-no) Shouchuu era (1324.12.9-1326.4.26)
こむし(komushi) · しょうちゅう(shouchuu) 小虫

小虫 Kanji

  1. (n) small insect; midge
  2. vermicule

Words related to しょうちゅう