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It seems that your search contains the following:

しょう shō がい gai

  1. Words

Definition of しょうがい

  1. (n, vs, adj-no) wound; injury; accident; casualty
  2. assault
  1. (n) public relations; client liaison; client relations
  1. (n, vs) obstacle; impediment; hindrance; difficulty; barrier
  2. handicap; impairment; disability; disorder; malfunction →Related words: 視力障害
  1. (n-adv, n-t) one's lifetime (i.e. one's existence until death); one's career

    His political career has ended.

  1. (n, vs) commit suicide
  1. (n) beautiful scenery; splendid landscape; magnificent view →Related words: 勝景

Words related to しょうがい