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It seems that your search contains the following:

go u ka

  1. Words

Definition of ごうか

ごうか(gouka) 業果

業果 Kanji

  1. (n) effects of karma
ごうか(gouka) 業火

業火 Kanji

  1. (n) hell fire
ごうか(gouka) 剛果

剛果 Kanji

  1. (n) valor and decisiveness (valour)
ごうか(gouka) · こうか(kouka) 劫火

劫火 Kanji

  1. (n) (Buddh) world-destroying conflagration
ごうか(gouka) 豪家

豪家 Kanji

  1. (n) wealthy and powerful family
ごうか(gouka) 豪華

豪華 Kanji

  1. (adj-na, n) wonderful; gorgeous; splendor; splendour; pomp; extravagance

    What splendid houses they are!

Words related to ごうか