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こう りょう ryō

  1. Words

Definition of こうりょう

  1. (n) intensity (e.g. radiation, light); amount of light (radiation)

    The lighting was set up to have the intensity controlled by one knob so you could produce the brightness as you want.

  1. (n) duchy; dukedom; principality
  1. (n, vs) proofreading completed
  1. (n) advance for manuscript; copy-money
  1. (n) general plan; main points; summary; platform (e.g. for a campaign); mission statement
  1. (adj-t, adv-to) desolate; dreary; bleak

    The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed.

  1. (n) flavoring; flavouring; spices
  2. fragrance; perfume; incense
  3. condolence gift
  1. (n) rain dragon; hidden genius
  1. (n) rations
  1. (adj-na, n) generosity; broad-hearted
  1. (n, vs) consideration; deliberation
こうりょう(kouryou) · こうりゃん(kouryan) · カオリャン(kaoryan) · コーリャン(kooryan) 高粱 ·高梁

高粱梁 Kanji

  1. (n) variety of sorghum, esp. used in making spirits
  1. (n) hill
  1. (n) comparison
  1. (n) collar; neck
  1. (n) dragon which has already ascended to the heavens
  1. (n) imperial mausoleum
こうりょう(kouryou) · ごりょう(goryou) 後梁

後梁 Kanji

  1. (n) Later Liang Dynasty (of China)
  1. (n) arched beam used in shrine and temple construction

Words related to こうりょう