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It seems that your search contains the following:

こう ばい bai

  1. Words

Definition of こうばい

こうばい(koubai) 公売

公売 Kanji

  1. (n, vs) public sale; public auction
こうばい(koubai) 勾配

勾配 Kanji

  1. (n) slope; incline; gradient; grade; pitch

    It is very important to decide what to do about the slope of the roof.

こうばい(koubai) · べにうめ(beniume) 紅梅

紅梅 Kanji

  1. (n) red-blossomed plum tree; red Japanese apricot
  1. (n, vs) procurement; purchase; buying

    We are trying to clarify your future procurement requirements.

  2. (n) school store; co-op; school canteen; tuck shop →Related words: 購買部

Words related to こうばい