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It seems that your search contains the following:

けい kei yu

  1. Words

Definition of けいゆ

けいゆ(keiyu) · けいゆう(keiyuu) 経由

経由 Kanji

  1. (n-adv) through; by way of; via
  2. (vs) to go via; to go by way of
けいゆ(keiyu) 軽油

軽油 Kanji

  1. (n) diesel oil; gas oil
  2. light oil
ひゆ(hiyu) · けいゆ(keiyu) 比喩 ·譬喩 ·比諭 ·譬諭

比喩譬諭 Kanji

  1. (n) simile; metaphor; allegory; parable

Words related to けいゆ