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It seems that your search contains the following:

ke いちょう ichō

  1. Words

Definition of けいちょう

  1. (n, vs) listening closely

    They listened attentively so as not to miss a single word.

  1. (n) congratulations and condolences
けいじゅう(keijuu) · けいちょう(keichou) 軽重

軽重 Kanji

  1. (n, vs) relative weight; relative importance
  1. (n) sign of happiness; good omen
  1. (adj-na, n) flippant
  1. (n) Keichou era (1596.10.27-1615.7.13)
  1. (n) register established for tax purposes (ritsuryo period)
  1. (n) tip of a stem (of a plant)

Words related to けいちょう