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きゅう kyū せい sei

  1. Words

Definition of きゅうせい

  1. (n, adj-no) acute (e.g. illness)

    "How did it go?" "They said it was acute appendicitis."

  1. (n, vs) sudden death

    Since my brother died suddenly two years ago, my sister-in-law has valiantly kept going the small jewellery store he left her.

きゅうせい(kyuusei) · ぐぜ(guze) · くせ(kuse) 救世

救世 Kanji

  1. (n) salvation
  1. (n) old system; old order
  1. (n) one's former (maiden) name
  1. (n) former manufacture; former make
  1. (n) nine traditional astrological signs in Onmyoudou, each corresponding to the year of a person's birth and used to create a horoscope →Related words: 陰陽道 , 一白 , 二黒 , 三碧 , 四緑 , 五黄 , 六白 , 七赤 , 八白 , 九紫
  1. (n) old home; former home; old nest
きゅうしょう(kyuushou) · きゅうせい(kyuusei) 九生

九生 Kanji

  1. (n) nine lives (of a cat)

    A cat has nine lives.

Words related to きゅうせい