き ki べ be ん n
詭弁奇辯危 Kanji
旗弁 Kanji
駅弁 Kanji
お昼は駅弁にしよう。 Let's have one of those boxed lunches they sell at train stations.
詭弁家 Kanji
排気弁 Kanji
粘液便 Kanji
粘液便がでます。 I have mucous in my stool.
詭弁弄 Kanji
置勉 Kanji
休み中に置き勉してると没収されるんだよな。 If you leave your textbooks at school during the break, they'll get confiscated.
詭弁学派 Kanji
紫弁慶草 Kanji