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It seems that your search contains the following:

かん kan りゅう ryū

  1. Words

Definition of かんりゅう

  1. (n) cold current
  1. (n) main current
  1. (n, vs) flowing through; conduction

    The Thames is a river that flows through London.

  1. (n, vs) return current; convection; reflux
  1. (n, vs) dry distillation
はんりゅう(hanryuu) · かんりゅう(kanryuu) 韓流

韓流 Kanji

  1. (n) influx of South Korean pop culture (into Japan)

    Taking advantage of the popular boom in Korean drama, workers selling Korean goods have increased.

  1. (n) perfusion

Words related to かんりゅう