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Definition of かかん

かかん(kakan) 下瞰

下瞰 Kanji

  1. (n, vs) looking down on; getting a bird's-eye view
かかん(kakan) 加冠

加冠 Kanji

  1. (n, vs) crowning a boy with a traditional cap for the first time at a coming-of-age ceremony →Related words: 元服 , 初冠
  2. (n) person in charge of crowning the boy at a coming-of-age ceremony
かかん(kakan) 果敢

果敢 Kanji

  1. (adj-na, n) resolute; determined; bold

    He resolutely pushed forward from the start, overwhelming and pushing out his off-balance opponent.

かかん(kakan) 花冠

花冠 Kanji

  1. (n) corolla (of flower); garland; wreath
かかん(kakan) 架間

架間 Kanji

  1. (n) between equipment
かかん(kakan) 河漢

河漢 Kanji

  1. (n) Milky Way
かかん(kakan) 夏官

夏官 Kanji

  1. (n) Ministry of War (Zhou-dynasty China) →Related words: 六官

Words related to かかん