Sentences containing 進ん
Present-day Japan is going down the route to self destruction, isn't it?
To apply further analysis to documents and files matching the keywords and find the hidden truth is "knowledge".
Mitsuna is very tidy so she often cleans up without being asked.
「1日いちにち 8時間じかん 、週しゅう 40時間じかん 」という労働基準法ろうどうきじゅんほう が定めるさだめる 労働時間ろうどうじかん の規制きせい を特定とくてい のホワイトカラーだけ除外じょがい する「ホワイトカラー・エグゼンプション」の議論ぎろん が進んでいる。
Argument continues about the "White collar exemption" that exempts specific white collar workers from the "8 hours in 1 day, 40 hours a week," working hours fixed by the Labour Standards Act.