似 Kanji
あの男の子は父親似だ。 That boy takes after his father.
猿真似 Kanji
猿まねはやめろ。 Don't be a copycat.
似荷足 Kanji
偽似症 Kanji
近似 Kanji
近似値 Kanji
空似 Kanji
酷似 Kanji
似寄っ Kanji
どっちの服にしたらいいか分からない。赤いのも緑のも似たりよったりで迷ってしまう。 I don't know which dress to choose; it's a toss up between the red one and the green one.
似者 Kanji
似た者夫婦。 Every Jack has his Jill.